Before you get angry now, let me explain why promoting your business site is a means to fail. When I got started in Network Marketing in 2007-2008ish, I too was excited that I'm in business promoting a product that I can capitalize on. Yes, like all Network Marketing companies out there, we were given a website to promote.


Despite the cool looking website and how awesome the parallax features are or how great the videos and images are, there is ONE THING that is lacking. LEAD GENERATION.


I didn't realize this once I got comfortable with sales funnels and email marketing building my list online. Once I found out where the industry is headed, I started to think back in my MLM days of being excited and plastering my company given website as if I owned it just like I see others on my Facebook doing the same thing. Why is this a problem? Because you can't capture leads!


What if 1,000 people saw your website. Wouldn't that be great? WRONG! No it wouldn't because you just lost 1,000 leads. How could you know who seen your page or who checked out your video? You don't have a way to follow up with those people.


The problem when people visit your site, they are not guided to a specific direction. They browse around and X out of your page. They are bombarded by images, text, videos, products, company history, etc. This is a great way to provide more information no doubt BUT if you really want to get more leads, this isn't how to do it.


The best way to build your business is to create a sales funnel. Now what is a funnel? It is a simple page to direct you to a sales video or training that links to the buy offer. A simple capture page (or opt in page) has a few headlines and an opt in form for Name or Email. Want to know more about sales funnels? Click Here and I will show you how it works.


Once visitors (Traffic) opt in, they become a lead. Those leads are linked to a video. That video may be your company's sales video or a training bridge page video. Once the lead watches that video, a button below links to a buy page to buy into what you are offering.


Now what happens if they don't buy? This is where autoresponder comes in play. This is where you can retrieve their email through a service (that I personally use) called Aweber. You can find out more about Aweber here. This is your database to collect leads and email them on offers or future promotions or businesses.


Link them emails back to your sales page or training videos and that my friend is how you follow up with webpage visitors. This is a next step above what you been taught traditionally in Network Marketing but if you want to build online, you need to do online things.


If you are curious what or how to create a sales funnel, you can watch this video here that will show you what it looks like and how you too can start generating leads and following up like the top leaders of online marketing do.


If that still doesn't excite you…. What if I told you I already seen your website of the company you promote. Great looking site right? Unfortunately you haven't capture me as your lead. Don't go promoting on social media without a capture page system.


Promoting your company's website is only for ‘More Info' purposes but first, think about building your asset before pushing the website. Build your “Internal Market” of leads and buyers. Because in Network Marketing, people quit companies, they join new ones and companies go under but YOU on the other hand, YOU STILL HAVE YOUR LIST of leads that gives you LEVERAGE for future business ventures.

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