If you want to get down to the meat and potatoes of all this, it boils down to the core principles of affiliate marketing. There's tons of noise online and will continue to be that way. Everything is flashy, everything seems promising, everything seems “The Best” strategy.

Once you peel back the layers, you'll see that lead generation and email marketing will never die out. You'll see all that social media hype about creating thousands of followers is just for show. Do you want thousands of followers or thousands of leads in your autoresponder?

Whether your on Facebook using ‘Attraction Marketing', instant message or Tik Tok either way… your prospects will eventually have to go through your funnel. If social media platforms paid us high monthly commissions based on followers… We wouldn't need to be affiliate marketers or using any system.

There are 2 ways to get leads.


-If you don't have money but have time. Use FREE methods doing social media marketing.

-If you do have money and no time. Use PAID methods doing advertising.


If you plan to do social media, make sure you focus on attracting new prospects and getting people to your funnel. Focusing on followers, chit-chatting being ‘customer support' for prospects only slows your business down.


You are here to make money, not acting like a clown for viral attention. To make money doing social media, you need to get people to your funnel. Increase of followers will happen naturally as you focus on your business which is VALUE and TRAFFIC. Instead of trying to become the next ‘VIRAL' person trying to get many shares on a post… focus on value based posts that reels in people to your funnel.


This is why most marketers struggle because they focus on how to go viral, keeping up with the trends, increasing their follower count. Instead of focusing on things that don't make you money, focus on TRAFFIC. Drive them to your funnel. The only link you need to promote is your funnel link. No link tree, no other social media accounts… YOUR FUNNEL.


BTW… Even the smallest email list can make a huge difference. …but that happens over time as you keep pushing traffic to your list, filtering out dead weight and molding your cold leads into hot buyers. It takes time for trust to be established for people to buy what you offer. Social Media or email list.




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