I am part of an affiliate company that promotes a Tik Tok strategy, even though Tik Tok is an effective platform, I been noticing a lot in the group is most newbies getting started are struggling to get leads and sign ups. Lets break this down..


The first thing wrong with your Tik Tok struggle is you are too focused on FOLLOWERS and VIEWS. Its easy to be hypnotized by the previous affiliates who only used Tik Tok as their main source of lead generation. What you don't know is that person may have had previous experience in marketing, hopped on the bandwagon when Tik Tok was freshly new or used a simple twist to their video before it became trendy.


My rule of thumb here is FOLLOWERS don't equal results. Followers don't pay you. The leads you generate do. Building a Tik Tok following is the same exact thing as creating a Youtube channel. Don't expect thousands of subscribers and views to your channel, be realistic. It takes TIME.


Even if you have thousands of followers on Tik Tok… The next thing you need to do is direct those followers to your capture page. Even if you did that, only a percentage of your followers will optin and even if they opted in, only a percentage of those optins will buy. So focusing on Followers isn't the answer. If you still choose to do Tik Tok, approach this from a long term game.


That right there!….. 

Once you been in this marketing industry long enough, you'll realize what was once a trendy strategy becomes oversaturated overtime. When tons of other people are doing the same thing, it eventually becomes typical and BORING!

Perhaps the reason why you are not making followers or leads is you're doing what others are doing. The same typical Tik Tok video where you looking up in the air, pointing your finger to the sky with a smirk on your face, adding text about making money with background music playing or doing some trendy dance or hand gesture. Once people see this enough, you're acting the same as everyone else. BORING!

Question is…. What separates yourself from the rest of them?

You'll want to stand out more and do something different with your content. If you are still struggling to get leads, perhaps its best to learn something new. After all, Tik Tok is only one social platform. There are tons of other ways to get leads.

Focusing so much about your follower count is going to mentally slow you down and break you down with doubt. Focusing so much about how many views you get will do the same. I'll share with you methods you can use when it comes to generating leads.


Enjoy the journey!

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