In this post I'll be going over some free strategies you can apply in your business. This is where if you don't have money, spend time on Social Media. Even if you do have money, it's an option which I'll be talking about Paid Methods later. Now of course since this is free, NOTHING is free. You will have to SPEND TIME.


Generate leads! You hear that a lot but you don't know where to start. I'm sure you already know by now to be on Facebook, building your audience and doing live videos right? 


Well, there is more to it than just posting about your product everyday. You see, anyone can promote a product by doing live videos and posting everyday but once that person gets in your business…. What strategies do you have for them? What is their plan of attack? Because this is why most Network Marketers fail because they don't know how to market.


Let's dive into the strategies shall we…


As you know by now reading this from my post, blogging is a great way to start and a very effective way to build your brand. Depending on where you blog from, it can be free or you have to pay for premium templates or options. Blogging is a great way to put out content that you don't have to keep speaking of. 

Just think about posting a video onto your blog about the comp plan of your company. All you have to do is direct new people to your video blog post without you wasting time explaining it yourself. As they say…. If you don't have a blog, you are homeless online.



Nothing beats building trust through video. If you are scared to do even live videos on Facebook, I'm sure doing Youtube videos building your channel can be quite a struggle. If you are confident enough to put out video content, this is a must. 

This is a great way to have your business run 24/7. This correlates to blogging because Google owns Youtube. When people search on Google, they are coming across blog content and websites. When people search on Youtube, they are searching for video content. 

Don't expect to be a Youtube celebrity in a month or two. The whole point is to get your message out to the masses. Put out value content. Let people know you mean business. 



There is more to it than just posting about your product everyday. The problem is most Network Marketers do this and then wonder why no one is biting at the opportunity. It can happen but sometimes this forces reps to search for a hot new business that just launched thinking it's the product that gets people attracted.

Facebook lives work but always have a plan behind why you are doing videos. Don't record for the sake of recording, have a call to action. Sometimes I scroll and see someone went live and the live is like 30-50 mins long. (leadership gets a pass on that because they tend to do long videos, I can respect that) but to the normal marketer… Learn to get to the point.



I can name all other social media networks but you get the point. Pick your poison and master it. If you find yourself spinning your wheels not getting results, perhaps is about time you sit back and look at the way you market. You need to shift your marketing to a different approach. 


You just need more training on how to market. Posting product images can be a hassle. Would you rather spend time building your brand and building your list or spend time posting products everyday? If you want to know how to get faster results check out how to do PAID MARKETING here.

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